Tuesday 12 November 2013

Diya decoration

Diyas (Lamps, Vilakku) are extensively used during Deepavali (Diwali) and Karthigai Deepam festivals. It is made out of different materials like glass, terracotta, mud, porcelain, plastic, brass, silver, etc. The one which I used here is a glass bowl and the Diya inside the bowl is made of plastic and was readily available in the shops during Diwali. They are called floating Diyas or floating lamps. It is floating Diya. I have filled the glass bowl with water and added rose petals to give it an auspicious and festive look. I have filled the Diya with oil and lighted it using a medium sized wick.


These are some of the pictures of beautiful flowers that we captured in our camera.

Marapachi Dolls

Another set of Marapachi dolls decorated in a different style. This is how these dolls looked before decoration. They are actually one of the smallest of sizes available.

Before decoration:

The dolls looked really very cute after decoration.

After decoration:

The girl's hairstyle, a simple plait decorated with some tiny flower billais. Billais are ornaments used to decorate the hair.